Last updated on November 7, 2022

Good morning, afternoon, evening wherever you are in the world right now, this is Amrys Wang of The Raw Entrepawneur!
This is a special project that was done earlier this year and finally released to celebrate The Forever Dog Book’s First Year Anniversary!
This project was made with a lot of love and would not have been possible without the amazing, beautiful and intelligent Shana Allan!
Thank you Dr Karen Becker and Rodney Habib for all that both of you have done to promote a healthier, proactive, and more conscious approach to taking better care of our canine companions and animal companions in general!
Today’s episode is a review of Chapter 1 shared by both Shana and myself. No animals were harmed in this recording.
To watch the Youtube video:
To listen to the Audio Podcast:
Blessings Be To All!
#amryswang #therawentrepawneur #shanaallan #theforeverdogbook #theforeverdogbookreview #consciouscaregivingforhumanimals #consciouscaregivingforanimals