Last updated on September 26, 2022

*This recording has been edited for general release*
Good morning, afternoon, evening wherever you are in the world right now, this is Amrys Wang of The Raw Entrepawneur PawdX Live on Mindvalley!
I am blessed to have with me from the US: The Mystic’s Voice – Joanne Bracken who helps both humans and animals heal through sound.
“I am a spiritual minister, divinely inspired channeler and soul healer, past-life regressionist, sound healer, spiritual teacher, and workshop leader with more than 35 years in practice. As a child, I was very attuned to the spiritual dimensions, knowing that the unseen world was alive with fairies and angels who felt like friends. Early on, I knew I wanted to heal and help people.” ~ Joanne Bracken, The Mystic’s Voice
Joanne is one of my spiritual mentors and once again Spirit had fun teasing me!
To watch the full conversation on Youtube:
The Raw Entrepawneur:
#amryswang #therawentrepawneur #joannebracken #themysticsvoice #soundhealer #spiritualminister #consciouscaregivingforanimals #consciouscaregivingforhumanimals #therawentrepawneurpawdxseries #therawentrepawneurpawdx